Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Yesterday we had a nice relaxing Father's Day. We started with a lovely french toast, sausage, sliced strawberries, and orange juice breakfast for Jeff in bed. This was by specific request. You have to love when your kids are old enough to actually get up and do that on their own. THANKS Sarah! Now to only have her clean up after herself - guess I can't have it all at once. :)

We had what we have been calling "bonus church" because our church building is under some construction and aren't having people in the classrooms right now so only having the first hour. So we were back home by 10:30. It was lovely - just as the sun was coming out. We hung out and just relaxed. Jeff was hoping to grill some steaks to go with his new BBQ he got, but I forgot to buy charcoal - DOH!

After awhile the kids went with Jeff outside and just played on their new fortress (for more of that see other weekend post) It gave me a nice chance to get the house back in order from the weekend. I could look out the kitchen window and see Jeff sitting up there in a lawn chair and the kids running all around him. It was nice - and that fortress, once finished, is part of my big summer plans to have the kids outside all day, every day.

Please notice Ben's hair in that picture - I am told he spiked it with his ice cream. He is kind of going through a phase where anything he can get in his hands becomes hair gel to create a spike. I can't even begin to explain some of the fun we have had with that!

There is nothing so wonderful to sit and watch a dad play with his kids. They had so much fun out there. It gives me a chance to think about what a good dad he is to all of them. While he disciplines them and tries to teach them about right and wrong - there is nothing he enjoys more than to spend time with them and have fun.

Jeff and I are both very lucky to have wonderful fathers that have always set a great example for us. I hope all the fathers had a nice father's day yesterday.

1 comment:

Riland and Jamie Duka said...

I am told that ice cream makes wonderful hair gel!