Monday, June 9, 2008

My Three Sons

Well, so much for waiting to find out. It seems during Valerie's regular doctor appointment this morning, the doctor was reading the ultrasound results and let slip, “this looks like a healthy baby boy”. Oops. I guess on the bright side, Valerie can commence the spending of money and we can start looking at names for real. Boy number three is on the way.

By the way, that makes me a perfect 4 for 4 in knowing what was coming.


Anonymous said...


The Keenan Family said...

YEAH!!!!!! We all knew it. How exciting. What a crazy group of kids that is going to be!

Linda A. said...

Yay!! It looks like our family forgot how to make girls! What are you going to name him?

Joe Urvina said...

Congratulations! I am so excited to have another little nephew!

amie979 said...

HAHA... Congratulations! You gotta love the boys!;)

Rachel said...

Hurray for boys! That stinky doctor!!!

Bob and Karen Lutz said...

Congratulations! How fun! Looks like we get to go back to Safeco Field for another season!

Adrienne said...

Congrats!!! Did the doctor feel horrible? I am happy for you either way. Yay, now I can start looking for cute boy stuff.

Andrea said...

Doctors have to go and ruin the surprise for everyone! Three sons are the way to go!

J and H Hunsaker said...

How nice of the Dr.!!!!! Yeah more boys!!! Woo Hoo

Stewart Family said...

WOW!! 3 boys!! That's awesome... and I have some clothes for you!

Keri_B said...

Boys are so fun...and crazy, too! We are super excited for you. Kelsi is worried though, she thinks she needs more girl cousins!

Sirrine said...

HOORAY! Boys everywhere! Almost a whole generation without a wedding to plan... darn. I make you brownies.

Adrienne said...

Tell Kelsi not to worry about the girl cousin thing. Uncle Sam is doing great in that department!!!!