Thursday, August 28, 2008

Indoor Fun

The last few weeks we have had such weird weather. We had awhile where it seemed we lived on the surface of the sun, and then the next day it would be rainy and cool - very Washington weather.

This has left us finding indoor activities to let the kids burn off energy. Sarah had gone to Wild Waves with Laura Walsh, because according to them, these are the best days to go - because it is cold and there are no lines. This left me with just the boys.

We met up with the Nicolas family and played with their boys at a playground in the mall. The boys were so hilarious going down the slide. They all decided the best way was to lay on their backs all lined up next to each other and go down head first pretty much just creating a dogpile of boys at the bottom. They were laughing so loud and having so much fun.

1 comment:

amie979 said...

HAHA The video makes it seem like pure chaos...which is pretty much how it was :)