Friday, September 5, 2008

Ben loves babies

I have been getting a little worried about what Ben's reactions to a new baby in our house is going to be. He is pretty much used to being the center of mommy's world. Or really the center of our whole family. Our children have come to us so far apart, that we have never had a toddler when another baby was born. Sarah was 4 when Josh was born, and Josh was 7 when Ben was born. This led to kids with a little less mommy/daddy neediness and a good understanding that we still were there for them too. With Ben, I am not so sure that is the case. He is pretty mommy-dependant.

Very recently our extended family has been blessed with new babies around every corner. He has been very fascinated, although we have had to stop him from being a little too friendly and trying to share whatever snacks he has with him, or hoping the baby would want to play with him.

We took these pictures of Ben with the newest baby in our family Logan Sirrine this past weekend. Hopefully he is just as in love with our new baby even if it goes home with us at the end of the day and not back to another mommy.


Rachel said...

We really need to get Chandler and Ben together. I think they are long lost twins!

Keri_B said...

So cute!!

Adrienne said...

He will adore Baby V. No worries he will warm right up.