Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Saving My Reputation from the Toilet

I was "pleased" to see that Valerie was impressed enough with my toilet repair to blog while I was out of town this weekend.

Okay, I get the hint.

So Valerie wasn't impressed with my use of common household items to rig up a quick fix to our flushing situation. It turns out that she was even less impressed when she was getting Benjamin dressed for church on Sunday and figured out exactly where the shoelace I used for the repair came from.

She didn't like MacGyver either.

Some geniuses just aren't appreciated in their own time.

This afternoon was flush with the opportunity to get this fixed, so I made getting this done my number one priority. Thankfully everything is regular again.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, it's amazing what a night on the couch will accomplish, isn't it?

amie979 said...

HAHA I would have been WAY more mad about the missing shoelace than the way the toilet was repaired HAHA