Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Twin Falls - the wedding part

While Ben and I were sitting bored at an Urgent Care Center - there was also a wedding.

Our nephew Adrian Walsh married his sweetheart Laura Watts for time and all eternity in the Twin Falls temple. Yes, there is now another Laura Walsh.

I heard it was beautiful. Also - a little tidbit for Twilight fans - they were sealed by Stephenie Meyer's grandfather.

Look how beautiful they look -

The whole extended family that made it

Later that afternoon we headed to Murtaugh for the reception - we got a little lost, so asked this cow wandering around for he is headed back home while never being very helpful!
We finally found it -

My silly 3 boys playing on the grass outside. I think this was also the same day Zach really started to take some steps. We kept trying to get a good video of it, and it just wasn't working as well as we had hoped. Although now there is no more little staggering - it is pretty much a full on run 24 hrs a day. He fell right in line with all of our other kids right around 10 months.
After the reception, we had a surprise waiting for us in the hotel lobby. Jamie and Landi!! My kids were very excited!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I can't believe he is walking. Wasn't he just born a few months ago? Crazy!!