Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Kids on the Block

If you knew my sister growing up, you understand her obsession with the New Kids on the Block. She was in love with them - mostly Donnie Wahlberg, but really with the group as a whole. My poor dad spent more than one night camped out on the sidewalk for tickets for her to go see them.

When we saw they were coming to Auburn, we knew we HAD TO GO. Keri invited her friend Christine and I invited my friend Amie and we had a girls night out.

There were not a lot of people there to begin with -

There were some crazies!!

Keri and Christine

Keri and little Kayli at her first concert!
We had a really good time, I actually liked it a lot more than I thought they would - and my poor kids are still having the after effects of it with me playing their CD in my van quite often.


Jaime said...

I LOVE the New Kids!! I went to 2 of theier concerts growing up. I was in love with Jordan Knight though. I am so sad I missed them. I had my room wall papered in New Kids On The Block. So jealous!

J and H Hunsaker said...

Jealous!!! I was madly in love with Joey!!!!! and I too had posters covering my wall. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh the right stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Keri_B said...

Thank you for sharing my obsession with me! It was so much fun and now Kayli is a HUGE fan, just like her mama! The other kids are too, they love their new CD and always want to listen to number 7! ha ha