Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Machine Bling and a Vinyl Thing

A couple of weeks ago Valerie and two of my sisters, Pam and Judy decided to go in together and purchase a vinyl cutting machine.

It is something I didn’t entirely understand at the time but all three are fairly craft-oriented and apparently there is a crafting trend at the moment for applying vinyl lettering to… well, about anything. Take a clever or cutesy saying in vinyl apply it to a plank of painted wood and blam! You’ve now got home décor.

A lot of people also take these sayings in large type and apply them directly to their walls. We have a few of these things scattered throughout our home too. This picture isn't our home but you get the idea.

Valerie, Pam and Judy always thinking one step ahead decided that they if they could go into business for themselves with a cutter of their own. They could quickly recover their investment and have a little fun on the side designing and making their own stuff.

Hence a business is born. I think the name they are going with is Windmill Lettering. It will eventually have a website, phone number and all that kind of official stuff. For now, they have spent the past couple of weeks becoming fairly proficient in designing and cutting the vinyl and have learned about weeding what you cut (this is the hard part). Of course, they rock at it (as if there was ever any doubt).

Now that they have a vinyl machine, my eyes have been opened and I see cut vinyl pretty much everywhere I look. You don’t have to be in traffic long to see Calvin Peeing on something (normally a Ford or Chevy logo) stuck to the back of some hillbilly’s truck. That is cut vinyl although of course they would never be responsible for something so tacky.

The stuff is everywhere so it is really just probably a matter of marketing things correctly.

Now with all the equipment in hand, it couldn’t be long before we had decals on our own windows could it?

If you look at a lot of my family’s blogs, this one included you will notice a VanderHoeven Machine logo at the right. Not many families are big enough to need a logo. Ours is. With such a large family, for the most part local, we are very blessed. With that blessing though, comes a lot of work. It seems there is always something major going on, wedding receptions, moving, remodeling projects etc. etc.

The name “VanderHoeven Machine” was sort of born out of the families ability, or should I say tendency to take over a project and as a family slam a whole lot of manpower into a job and get it done and done very well.

Flashing the VM sign.

Zachary (left) can almost do it too.
We are not just the VanderHoevens. Together, we operate as a machine. It is kind of tongue-in-cheek fun. We wear the label with pride now on our ride.


Keri_B said...

That is awesome!! Now you need to think of something cool for my van!

Jaime said...

A vinyl cutting machine? I am so jealous. I love the families are forever plaque.

Bob and Karen Lutz said...

Go Zachary! He isn't wasting any time.

Anonymous said...

Our family rocks! Zachary is the coolest, he takes after his auntie Judy.

J and H Hunsaker said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! When can I get in oo=n th fun

amie979 said...

Great Post Very Funny!! Now I can stalk you ever more than I already do with the "Polar Bear"! There will be no doubt that it's the VanderHoeven's...My kids were having a hard time knowing if it was you once you removed the pod!

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

very cool. i've been wanting some of those signs forever so let me know when you are selling!

Stephanie said...

I have some vinyl cutouts that I have never put up just in case we move. I've had them for a couple of years. Now a machine would come in handy though, good thinking!